
Flea Control and Flea Treatment Services

Fleas are parasites and they feed on warm blooded animals like dogs, cats and even humans. If an infestation goes unchecked it can very quickly get out of hand so it is always good to catch a flea infestation early. Fleas generally feed on pets but if food is scarce they will move to human hosts. Fleas can lay dormant without feeding for some time and we usually only notice their bites when we have not been present in the home for a while and they become hungry.

Having a flea infestation in your home or business is never a nice experience for anyone. Fleas like to feed on warm blooded animals such as cats, dogs and even humans. If an infestation is not caught early then it can very quickly escalate and become a much bigger problem. Fleas usually feed on pets such as cats and dogs but if food is scarce or you don’t have any pets then they will move to human hosts. Fleas are able to lay dormant for quite some time and you will usually on notice their bites if you have not been home for a while or if they have become hungry.

How to Identify a Flea Infestation

Flea - Doncaster Pest ControlFlea Bites: Flea bites are unpleasant and can leave you with itchy sores all over your body. Particularly on your legs and arms. Having itchy sores all over your body is a good sign you have an infesation

Live Insects: It is possible to see live fleas jumping around on furniture or carpets, fleas like to hide at the edges of carpets and in seams of furniture or fabrics.

Pets: If you have pets and notice them itching more than usual, then this is also a good sign you have an infestation.